Fun + Funky = Jones Media

When life gives you lemons…

How did I get here?

The internet works in mysterious ways… perhaps you’ve done something good to deserve it? Since you’re here, ponder not the why or how. Simply poke around. Discover what there is to discover. Maybe you’ll find the hidden link?

This is not my beautiful house.

And that’s okay. You’re in a good place. While you’re here, think about this: at some point, you didn’t know how to do the things you know how to do. Where was the line? At what moment did you come to know how to do these things? We should have a word for that moment.

This is not my beautiful wife.

Identity is an interesting concept. It’s what makes you you. Every experience you’ve ever had combines to shape your identity. You’re now on this website, and it is now a part of your identity. Kinda creepy, no?

Do you have a moment to learn about my favorite game – Tiddlywinks?