Here we are
Tannersville to Lehman. Lehman to Luzerne. Luzerne to Wilkes-Barre. Wilkes-Barre to East Stroudsburg. East Stroudsburg to Harlem. Harlem to Truckee. Truckee to Seminole. Seminole to Tampa. Tampa to Gulfport.
TL;DR – I moved.
Since 2008 I’ve been rearranging my life constantly for various reasons: transferring universities, business ventures, etc. It has all led me to right here. I write this with mountains in mind. I am currently living in Florida. For most, the sun and beaches makes it an appealing place to be. Yet I sit here and write with mountains and snow heavy on the mind. I get cold easily. When others are lounging in shorts comfortably, I’m wearing sweatpants and my feet are still cold. Florida helps with that, but I’d rather be feeding a log into the stove and flexing my toes by the fire. Something about a fire just warms you deeper, y’know? Central heat is nice but fire,.. its a different type of nice. There is a lot of central heat out there, and a lot of people are comfortable, and there is nothing wrong with that. I encourage you to try a real fire in other aspects of life. Cook that food you always wanted to cook. Try that hobby you always wanted to try. Shoot for the moon because humans have orbit down!